All About Robert
Robert is 51 years old, he is married and he has one son (who is six years old). He is from Canada. He taught English in Taiwan (an island country near China) for 15 years, and he has also taught English in Canada and Korea. For the last 10 years he has taught English in the UAE: three years in Sharjah, three years in Khor Fakkan and four years in Abu Dhabi at the Men's College. He really enjoys photography and exercising and reading in his free time.
Robert is 51 years old, he is married and he has one son (who is six years old). He is from Canada. He taught English in Taiwan (an island country near China) for 15 years, and he has also taught English in Canada and Korea. For the last 10 years he has taught English in the UAE: three years in Sharjah, three years in Khor Fakkan and four years in Abu Dhabi at the Men's College. He really enjoys photography and exercising and reading in his free time.
Grammar & Reading
Listening Practice
Speaking Practice