Tomorrow (25 November Tuesday) we will have a practice Final Exam:
- Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading , and Writing
- Place: Library Presentation Room
- 3 hours
- You cannot take the exam after 3:30. Come before 3:30.
- You cannot take the exam without your iPad.
- You cannot take the exam without your Student ID card.
- No bathroom breaks are allowed.
Please go directly to the Library Presentation Room tomorrow ... Do NOT come to our classroom.
Please write your answers on a sheet of paper or in your Pages app.
Note: Attendance will be taken during the FINAL teaching week January 11 - 15).
NEW Revised Exam Calendar
NOTE 1: We will have a Final Exam Practice on Tuesday, 25 November
NOTE 2: Our next Vocabulary/Grammar Quiz is on Wednesday, 26 November
NOTE 2: Our next Vocabulary/Grammar Quiz is on Wednesday, 26 November
Vocabulary: Word List 12 ~ Oxford Words
Vocabulary: Word List 12 ~ Other Words
Vocabulary: Word List 12 ~ Quizlet
Notice: The Listening Test in December will be different from our last Listening Test.
The PT2 Listening has four parts:
- Part 1: 10 questions- students listen to 10 brief recordings and decide if statements are correct / incorrect
- Part 2: 5 questions- students listen to 5 brief recordings and choose picture A or B
- Part 3: 5 question- students listen to 5 brief recordings and choose A, B, or C answers
- Part 4: 20 questions- Students listen to 20 one-line statements and choose the best response (A or B)