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Advanced Academic Listening Exercises
1918 flu pandemic (advanced)
2008 Financial Crisis (advanced)
Air Travel (easy)
Air Travel (intermediate)
Air Travel - Airbus A380 (advanced)
Aliens (easy)
Aliens (intermediate)
Amazon Forest (advanced)
Ancient Rome (advanced)
Ant Warfare (advanced)
Apophis - Killer Asteroid? (advanced)
Australia - Coober Pedy (advanced)
Bigfoot (advanced)
Blue Jeans (advanced)
Brazil - Welcome! (advanced)
Bus Travel (intermediate)
Cave Homes in Turkey (advanced)
Clothing Advice (intermediate)
Coca Cola (advanced)
Colds and Flu (easy)
College Life (intermediate)
Colleges and Universities - Oxford (advanced)
Daily Activities (easy)
Describing People (easy)
Dinosaurs (easy)
Directions (easy)
Emotions (easy)
Environment (easy)
Environment - Great Pacific Garbage Patch (advanced)
Europa (advanced)
European Union (advanced)
Exercise and Sports (easy)
Exercise and Sports (intermediate)
Fast Food (easy)
George's Star (advanced)
Giant Squid (advanced)
Giant Tortoise (advanced)
Global Population (advanced)
Hamster Care (advanced)
Happiness (advanced)
Hobbit (advanced)
Holidays - Thanksgiving (advanced)
Hospitals (easy)
Household Chores (easy)
Iceland (advanced)
IELTS Test - A Brief Introduction (advanced)
Internet (easy)
Internet - Five Reasons Why the Internet is Bad (advanced)
Isaac Asimov (advanced)
Jobs and Work (intermediate)
Jobs - Stressful Jobs (advanced)
Komodo Dragon (advanced)
McDonalds (advanced)
Money - 5 Ways to Become Rich (advanced)
Neanderthals (advanced)
Nicola Tesla (advanced)
Movies (easy)
Oldest Person (advanced)
Past Tense - Yesterday on the Moon (intermediate)
Peanut Butter (advanced)
People - Dwayne Johnson (advanced)
People - Steve Jobs (advanced)
Pyramids of Giza (advanced)
Queen Elizabeth II (advanced)
Roswell Incident (advanced)
Russia - Short History (advanced)
Samurai (advanced)
Shopping List (intermediate)
Smoking - A Short History of the Cigarette (advanced)
SpaceX - Mars (advanced)
Sports - Invention of Basketball (advanced)
Sports - History of the Olympics (advanced)
Statue of Liberty (advanced)
Stephen Hawking (advanced)
Supermarket (easy)
Supermarket (intermediate)
Tardigrades (advanced)
Taxis (easy)
Telephone (easy)
Telephone - Alexander Bell Inventor (advanced)
Time (easy)
Time Travel (advanced)
Travel Advice (intermediate)
Travel (easy)
Uzbekistan (advanced)
Vikings (advanced)
Weather (easy)
Weather - Raining Frogs (advanced)
Zombies (advanced)
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IELTS Practice
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Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
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Please note that the Final Exam date has been changed to 15 December
>>> Grammar Review: weeks 8 to 12
(Grammar City Cards)
Assessment Strategy
Note: Attendance will be taken during the FINAL teaching week January 11 - 15).